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The World Before Christ, an LDS Perspective

(4000 B.C. - 0 B.C.)

Volume 1 B $27.95

(337 pages, 14 historical maps)


Epoch 1 B 4000 B.C. - 2344 B.C.

The Atonement, The Creation Adam & Eve, Garden of Eden, Tree of Life, The Fall of Man

Epoch 2 B 2344 B.C. - 1900 B.C.

Abraham & Lot, Abraham & Isaac, Land of Egypt, Egyptian Mythology, The Abrahamic Covenant

Epoch 3 B 1900 B.C. - 1570 B.C.

Jacob, Laban, The Twelve Tribes of Israel, Joseph in Egypt

Epoch 4 B 1570 B.C. - 1095 B.C.

Moses, Israel in Bondage, The Plagues of Egypt, The Exodus of Israel

Epoch 5 B 1095 B.C. - 800 B.C.

The Reign of King Saul, Coronation of Prince David

Epoch 6 B 800 B.C. - 587 B.C.

Capture of the Ten Tribes, The Fall of Jerusalem, Lehi/Nephi Migration to America

Epoch 7 B 587 B.C. - 400 B.C.

Daniel, Rebuilding the Temple, Queen Esther of Persia, Ezra the Scribe, Nehemiah the Cup Bearer

Epoch 8 B 400 B.C. - 175 B.C.

Alexander the Great, The Hellenization of Judea, The Punic Wars, Seven Wonders of the World

Epoch 9 B 175 B.C. - 0 B.C.

The Maccabean Revolt, The Roman Republic, Herod the Great, The Roman Civil War

Volume 2 B $27.95

(363 pages, 21 historical maps)


Epoch 1 B 4000 B.C. - 2344 B.C.

Cain & Abel, The Age of the Patriarchs, Noah and the Great Flood

Epoch 2 B 2344 B.C. - 1900 B.C.

Tower of Babel, Mesopotamia, The Land of Canaan, Isaac, early Mediterranean, Departure of the Jaredites

Epoch 3 B 1900 B.C. - 1570 B.C.

Israel Blesses His Sons, The Prophecies of Joseph, Writings of Joseph Discovered in Egypt

Epoch 4 B 1570 B.C. - 1095 B.C.

Law of Moses (Ten Commandments, Carnal Commandments, Laws of Purification & the Feasts.)

Epoch 5 B 1095 B.C. - 800 B.C.

The Life of King David, King Solomon, The Temple

Epoch 6 B 800 B.C. - 587 B.C.

The Babylonian Empire, Job, The Prophets Isaiah, & Amos, Jonah

Epoch 7 B 587 B.C. - 400 B.C.

The Persian Empire, Cuneiform, The Prophets Ezekiel & Malachi

Epoch 8 B 400 B.C. - 175 B.C.

Plato, Aristotle, Greek Mythology, Socrates, Pericles, The Peloponnesian Wars

Epoch 9 B 175 B.C. - 0 B.C.

Julius Caesar, The Roman Empire, Marc Anthony, Cleopatra, Pompey, Germanic Europe

Volume 3 B $27.95

(397 pages, 12 historical maps)


Epoch 1 B 4000 B.C. - 2344 B.C.

The Purpose of life, Enoch & the city of Zion, Geography of the Earth Before the Flood

Epoch 2 B 2344 B.C. - 1900 B.C.

The Sumerians, The Indus River Valley, Early Europe, African Civilizations, Early Civilizations of India

Epoch 3 B 1900 B.C. - 1570 B.C.

Hammarabi, Shang & Western Zhou of China, Aryans of India, European Settlements

Epoch 4 B 1570 B.C. - 1095 B.C.

The Forty Years Wandering, Joshua, The Age of the Judges, Ruth & Naomi, Eli & Samuel, The Tabernacle

Epoch 5 B 1095 B.C. - 800 B.C.

The Prophets Elijah & Elisha, The Assyrians

Epoch 6 B 800 B.C. - 587 B.C.

The Etruscans, Greek City-States, The Ancient Olympics, The Celts of Europe

Epoch 7 B 587 B.C. - 400 B.C.

Buddha, Confucius, India, Eastern Zhou of China, The World of the Orient

Epoch 8 B 400 B.C. - 175 B.C.

The Barbaric Tribes of Europe Before the Romans, Everyday Life in Egypt Before the Romans

Epoch 9 B 175 B.C. - 0 B.C.

Life in the Roman Empire, Roman Mythology, Roman Law, Cicero

The World After Christ, an LDS Perspective

(0 A.D. - to Present)

Volume 1 B $38.95 (2 book set)

(417 pages, 33 historical maps)


Epoch 1 B 0 A.D. - 313 A.D.

The Life & Teachings of Jesus, The Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus

Epoch 2 B 313 A.D. - 712 A.D.                                   

Christianity Becomes a World Religion, The Medieval Jews, The Persians

Epoch 3 B 712 A.D. - 1054 A.D.

Charlemagne, The Holy Roman Empire, The Byzantine Empire

Epoch 4 B 1054 A.D. - 1453 A.D.

The Norman Conquest of England, The Crusades, The Fall of Constantinople

Epoch 5 B 1453 A.D. - 1649 A.D.               

Explorers of the Old World, The Reformation, Galileo, The English Civil War

Epoch 6 B 1649 A.D. - 1848 A.D.

Sir Isaac Newton, The French Revolution, Napoleon Bonaparte

Epoch 7 B 1848 A.D. - 1918 A.D.

Karl Marx, The First World War, The Bolshevik Revolution

Epoch 8 B 1918 A.D. - 1945 A.D.

The Second World War - European Theater only

Epoch 9 B 1945 A.D. - to Present

The Korean War, The Arab-Israeli Conflict, Israel=s Independence, The Middle East, Current Events

Volume 2 B $38.95 (2 book set)

(456 pages, 34 historical maps)


Epoch 1 B 0 A.D. - 313 A.D.

The Fall of Jerusalem, The Growth of Christianity, The Early Years of Christianity, Masada

Epoch 2 B 313 A.D. - 712 A.D.

The Fall of Rome, Attila the Hun, The Barbarian Tribes, Settling of Europe                                   

Epoch 3 B 712 A.D. - 1054 A.D.

Feudalism, Manorialism, Life in Medieval Europe


Epoch 4 B 1054 A.D. - 1453 A.D.

The Magna Carta, Joan of Arc, The Hundred Year=s War, The Black Death

Epoch 5 B 1453 A.D. - 1649 A.D.

The Church of England, The Thirty Year=s War, Protestantism, The Inquisitions, The Huguenots

Epoch 6 B 1649 A.D. - 1848 A.D.

The Great Composers, The Industrial Revolution, The English Empire

Epoch 7 B 1848 A.D. - 1918 A.D.

Unification of Germany, Nationalism, The Balkans, Darwinism, The Potato Famine

Epoch 8 B 1918 A.D. - 1945 A.D.

The Depression in Europe, Stalin, Spanish Civil War

Epoch 9 B 1945 A.D. - to Present

The Vietnam War, The Fall of the Soviet Union, A Reunited Germany, Cold War, Current Events

Volume 3 B $38.95 (2 book set)

(441 pages, 25 historical maps)


Epoch 1 B 0 A.D. - 313 A.D.

Mauryan and Gupta Dynasties of India, Qin and Han Dynasties of China, Daoism (Taoism), Great Wall

Epoch 2 B 313 A.D. - 712 A.D.

The Koran, The Rise of Islam, The Arabs, Mohammed,

Early Japan, Shintoism, Tang Dynasty in China

Epoch 3 B 712 A.D. - 1054 A.D.

West Africa, The Beginnings of Russia, The Normans, The Vikings

Epoch 4 B 1054 A.D. - 1453 A.D.

Marco Polo, The Mongolians, Genghis Khan, Shoguns of Japan, Ming Dynasty of China, City-states of Africa

Epoch 5 B 1453 A.D. - 1649 A.D.

The Early Russian Czars, The Ottoman Empire, The Renaissance, Feudal Japan

Epoch 6 B 1649 A.D. - 1848 A.D.

The Dutch Republic, Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Pacific Ocean Island Societies

Epoch 7 B 1848 A.D. - 1918 A.D. 

Collapse of the Ottoman Empire, Japan Opens to the West, Collapse of Imperial China, The Boxer Rebellion

Epoch 8 B 1918 A.D. - 1945 A.D.

Chiang Kai-Shek, Mao Zedong, United Nations, India

Epoch 9 B 1945 A.D. - to Present

Independence of Africa, Afghanistan War, Iran-Iraq War, Persian Gulf War, China, Japan, Current Events

United States History, an LDS Perspective

(1215 - to Present)

Volume 1 B $54.95 (2 book set)

(634 pages, 41 historical maps)


Epoch 1 B 1215 - 1603

The Magna Carta, Ruler's Law vs People=s Law, The Reformation, Henry VIII, The Church of England, Bloody Mary, Good Queen Bess, Protestantism

Epoch 2 B 1603 - 1763

King James I, Founding of Jamestown, The Puritans, The Pilgrims, The Mayflower Compact, Founding the Thirteen Colonies

Epoch 3 B 1763 - 1789

Causes of American Revolution, Declaration of Independence, The Founding Fathers

Epoch 4 B 1789 - 1830

The Bill of Rights, Amendment 11, The Early Administrations, The War of 1812, The National Anthem, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams

Epoch 5 B 1830 - 1850

The Oregon Trail, The Alamo, The Mexican War, Indian Wars, Utopian Societies, The Gold Rush, The Westward Movement, The Telegraph, Morse Code

Epoch 6 B 1850 - 1901

Abraham Lincoln, The Missouri Compromise, The Civil War, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Slavery, Underground Railroad, Amendments 13-15

Epoch 7 B 1901 - 1941

The Progressive Era, The Automobile, Monopolies, Andrew Carnegie, John Morgan, John Rockefeller, World War I, The Wright Brothers, Amendments 16 & 17

Epoch 8 B 1941 - 1963

The Second World War - Pacific Theater only

Epoch 9 B 1963 - to Present

Religious Movements, Rock Music, Space Exploration, The Civil Rights Movement, The Vietnam War, Watergate, Amendments 24-26

Volume 2 B $54.95 (2 book set)

(707 pages, 49 historical maps)


Epoch 1 B 1215 - 1603

Explorers of the New World, Columbus, Cabot, Vespucci, de Leon, Verrazano, Coronado, Balboa, Cartier, Pizarro, de Soto, Drake, Spanish & French Missions

Epoch 2 B 1603 - 1763

Life in Colonial America, The French & Indians Wars, Salem Witch Hunts, Religious Universities, Henry Hudson, Samuel Champlain, Sieur LaSalle, The Great Awakening

Epoch 3 B 1763 - 1789

Articles of Confederation, Shay Rebellion, The Constitution, Northwest Ordinance

Epoch 4 B 1789 - 1830

Thomas Jefferson, The Louisiana Purchase, Lewis & Clark, Amendment 12, The Erie Canal, The Mid-west Movement, Fur Trappers, Indian Wars, Monroe Doctrine

Epoch 5 B 1830 - 1850

Establishment of the LDS Church, (The New York; Ohio; Missouri; and Illinois Periods) The Mormon Exodus, The Mormon Trail

Epoch 6 B 1850 - 1901

The Pony Express, Indian Wars, The Wild West, Spanish American War, Statue of Liberty, Unions, Salt Lake Temple, Industrialism, The Railroad, Reconstruction

Epoch 7 B 1901 - 1941

The Roaring Twenties, The Great Depression, Prohibition, The Red Scare, The Scope Trial, Amendments 18-21, LDS Church Welfare Program, Woman=s Suffrage

Epoch 8 B 1941 - 1963

Cold War, Cuban Missile Crisis, Berlin Airlift, Nuclear Energy, Amendments 22-23

Epoch 9 B 1963 - to Present

Amendment 27, Inflation, Recession, Gangs, Iran-Contra Affair, White House Scandals, LDS Church Growth, Foreign Aid, Terrorism, Economics, Current Events

Native American History, an LDS Perspective

(2344 B.C. - to Present)   $54.95 (2 book set)

(802 pages, 20 historical maps)

Epoch 1 B 2344 B.C. - 600 B.C.   

The Book of Mormon  North America B Eskimos, Adena Mound Builders Central America B Olmecs, Zapotecs South America B Chavin


Epoch 2 B 600 B.C. - O B.C.     

The Book of Mormon, North America B Hopewell Mound Builders, Mogollon Culture, Hohokam Culture, Anasazi Culture

Central America B Teotihuacan, South America B Nazca Culture, Tiahuanaco Culture


Epoch 3 B 0 – 800               

The Book of Mormon, North America B Mississippian Mound Builders, Pueblos, Fremont Central America B Maya

South America (Little is known of Native Americans during this period, they are simply known as APre-Inca@)


Epoch 4 B 800 – 1200             

North America B Iroquois, Cliff Dwellers, Central America B Toltecs, Mixtecs Caribbean B Arawak, Carib

South America B (Little is known of Native Americans during this period, they are simply known as APre-Inca@) Pacific B Fiji, Maori


Epoch 5B 1200 – 1532           

North America B Huron, Narragansett, Central America B Aztecs South America B Inca


Epoch 6 B 1532 – 1750           

North America B Chippewa, Abenaki, Potawatomi, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creeks Central America & the Caribbean B Cuba, Haiti,

Barbados, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Belize, Honduras, Panama, Guatemala, Nicaragua South America B Peru, Venezuela, Suriname, Colombia, Guyana, Ecuador, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay


Epoch 7 B 1750 - 1850                   

North America B Arapaho, Cheyenne, Comanche, Crow, Pawnee, Teton Sioux, Chinook  Central America & the Caribbean B Cuba, Haiti,

Barbados, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Belize, Honduras, Panama, Guatemala, Nicaragua South America & the Pacific B French Guiana, Peru, Venezuela, Suriname, Colombia, Guyana, Ecuador, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Tahiti, Hawaii, New Zealand, Fiji


Epoch 8 B 1850 – 1945           

North America B Chumash, Modoc, Paiute, Apache, Navajo, Pima, Yuma, Zuni Central America & the Caribbean B Cuba, Haiti,

Barbados, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Belize, Honduras, Panama, Guatemala, Nicaragua South America & the Pacific B French Guiana, Peru, Venezuela, Suriname, Colombia, Guyana, Ecuador, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Tahiti, Hawaii, New Zealand, Fiji                                                           


Epoch 9 B 1945 - Present             

North America B Canada, Organization of American States, American Indian Movement  Central America & the Caribbean B Cuba, Haiti,

Barbados, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Belize, Honduras, Panama, Guatemala, Nicaragua South America & the Pacific B French Guiana, Peru, Venezuela, Suriname, Colombia, Guyana, Ecuador, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Tahiti, Hawaii, New Zealand, Fiji

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